Thursday, June 11, 2015

Twins! {Syracuse NY Baby photographer}

YAY for twins!  And wow, how about having a boy and a girl!  It's so interesting to observe the differences in siblings.  Little Walter was so calm and relaxed.  He was incredibly alert but would just lay there listening and looking around.  Little Evelyn was also very alert but wanted things in a particular way.  It was her way or, her way ;)  What I loved most was that after some time of trying to get them sleepy we decided to snuggle them next to one another.  And guess what?  They fell fast asleep.  If that's not the sweetest thing I don't know what is!

New Baby Brother {Syracuse NY child photographer}

I have to admit one of the main reasons I like photographing newborns is because I get to hold them.  I love their smell, their squishiness, their little noises, and sleepy smiles.  And because I am done having children, I get my baby fix!  Little John was the perfect baby to get in my snuggles.  He looks just like his big brother and is just as sweet as his big sister.  Love this family!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Mother and daughters {Syracuse NY family photographer}

We always hear it, "get in the photos".  Being a photographer I am typically the one behind the camera.  I try really hard to get in the photos but sometimes, ok, often it doesn't happen.  That's why this past Mother's Day I decided I would get a photo of me and my girls.  I'm happy with the way it turned and and we actually had a fun time doing it!

One Year Old Birthday Photoshoot {Syracuse NY Child Photographer}

Phew... it's been a busy few months.  Not just in the studio but in my personal life.  But now I'm back at it ready to photograph, blog, and work my tail off.

Here is a beautiful 1 year old.  I photographed this family last summer and was contacted to photograph the first birthday.  It was so nice to see Miss Rosalie and her mother.  The first word that comes to mind to describe them both is SWEET.  Just plain sweet.   We had a great time and Rosalie really started to warm up to me!  From balloons to tea sets we tried it all.  Enjoy.