Thursday, June 22, 2017

Headshots {Syracuse NY Portrait Photographer}

Now that we actually have sunshine in Syracuse I finally took the time to do some headshots for my website/blog. I've only been putting it off for over 5 years.  It's always very strange for me to be on the other side of the camera.  I'm fine if I'm with my family, but when I'm by myself I feel very awkward. This ended up being very educational to me.  Sometimes I forget what a client feels like and this was a nice refresher.

 If you're wondering who's the lady behind the lens, well... it's my mom! I talked her through the process and I have to say she makes a darn good assistant. And as my clients already know, I do not look this put together during a shoot. Any makeup I'm wearing gets rubbed away by my camera, my outfits consist of anything I don't mind getting dirty, and I'm definitely not in heels.  

Oh, but then the wind blows your hair just right!